Monday, 31 January 2022

[New post] Tesco cut hundreds of jobs, including meat, fish, and deli counters in 317 stores

olumorocktv posted: " Tesco is set to lay off hundreds of workers as it closes its Jack's discount chain and eliminates meat, fish, and deli counters in 317 stores.. The supermarket chain said the stores where counters will close are those where it has seen 'lowest demand'"

[New post] Lion kills keeper in Iran, prowls zoo for hours before being recaptured

olumorocktv posted: " A lioness has reportedly killed a zookeeper while feeding her lunch in Iran. The female then fled with her male companion and prowled around the zoo for several hours. Both animals were later captured after a combined operation by police and guard."

[New post] US Amb. to Ethiopia Geeta Pasi to Retire, Amb. Tracey Ann Jacobson to be CDA

domani spero posted: "  The State Department just announced that the US Ambassador to Ethiopia Geeta Pasi "plans to retire to pursue other opportunities." Foggy Bottom has appointed Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of C"

[New post] Boeing launches B777-8 Freighter with Qatar Airways as the launch customer with a order for up to 50 aircraft

Ishan Haria posted: " It's official! After multiple rumours, Boeing has officially launched the Boeing B777-8 Freighter with Qatar Airways as the launch customer with a order for up to 50 aircraft. Qatar orders up to 102 aircraft Qatar Airways has ordered up to 102"

[New post] Tuesday Opera: MADAMA BUTTERFLY Puccini – Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía

adamsmith1922 posted: " This is the post-produced version of Madama Butterfly, which was first streamed live on OperaVision on 19 December 2021. This production is now subtitled in English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Valencian, and will be available until 19 June 2022"

[New post] Arthur Aguiar biography: 13 things about actor born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Conan Altatis posted: " Professionally known as Arthur Aguiar, Arthur Queiroga Bandeira de Aguiar is a Brazilian actor, singer and swimmer. Here are 13 more things about him: "

🌏 April’s Best Destinations – Don’t Miss These Epic Events!

Hey travel lover! April is here, and with it comes some of the best destinations to explore this time of year! Whether you're chas...