Talking with the ever delightful, incredibly supportive and hugely successful children's author Colleen Nelson who interviewed me at the launch of my novel Sixties Girl
I will write more about the launch of my novel Sixties Girl in a future blog post but for today I'm kind of in recovery mode.
Photo from McNally Robinson's Twitter feed
I had a wonderful time at my launch. As the McNally post on Twitter said it was "standing room only."
Signing a book for my niece
There were people there from my family- cousins, children, aunties, a niece, my husband Dave, people from my church family, former teaching colleagues, lots of friends, loyal supporters from the writing community, people I went to high school with, people I went to university with, people who I taught at one time, and some people I'd never met before who had read my first book or follow my blog.
With my daughter-in-law, son and husband at the launch
My husband Dave, in a signature move, spontaneously invited some friends over after the launch which was lovely but it meant I stayed up too late and perhaps drank a little more wine than I should have.
Gorgeous flowers from my friend Harriet and marvellous pop-up card made by my friend Debbie- look at all the details in the card each one related to my book in some way
So today I'm in recovery mode. I'll go to the gym. Do the crossword in Saturday's paper, pop in and see my Dad and maybe even start a new jigsaw puzzle.
With my fabulous aunties- Louise, Nettie and Millie
Thanks so much to everyone who came to my launch. If you couldn't be there you can watch it here.
Other posts..........
Launching a Book
A Love Letter to McNally Robinson Booksellers
Colleen is Coming
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