This is going to be a bit of a rambling stream of consciousness kind of a post.
As you know, if you follow my blog, that I paint little toy men and goblins (among others). If you just popped by, then hello and thank you.
So this said hobby of mine can get a little expensive, add in a printer and after the initial outlay then it can become a bit cheaper. Paints, flock glue etc bumps the price a bit too.
I opened my Geek club in school where the kids paint models that I print for them. I support them by using the tools and resin. There are six of them and each one of them wrote to a company to see if they would help us out in any small way they could. Would you like to guess how many bothered to reply?
We only chose companies that I have spent hundreds of pounds with. Not one even bothered to reply.
Now, I know that my little school with its little website isn't going to make any companies their millions, but it is half a dozen 10 year olds who are getting into the hobby . One is moving onto pastures new and bless her on Friday she was making a list of the companies I got my stuff from.
I have written to the company we get our paints from. I did send a bit of a begging letter to see if they could send us some paint so we can get her a good start keeping up her hobby that she loves. My little club has spent nearly £200 getting paints etc. from them. Sadly I am not holding my breath.
Every other YouTube channel I watch has these companies firing out free stuff to people. One guy I watched was up to his third 3D printer.
Now this may seem that it is sour grapes and to some extent it is, not for me, but for a little group if six kids who wrote letters instead of painting miniatures. I did advise them that people might not be able to help, but to not answer in my books is pretty shitty.
Here endeth the rambling B.S. for today
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