In 2015 we purchased our tree and put it up on December 5
Our Christmas Tree is Up is a blog post title you probably would have expected to see a couple of weeks ago.
But we only put our Christmas tree up yesterday.
Our children and grandchildren who live out of the province are coming here on January 2 to spend a few days celebrating Christmas with the Winnipeg branch of the family and so we figured we had lots of time to buy a tree, set it up and decorate it.
We procrastinated till Christmas Eve when we finally went out to buy a tree.
But.........they were all gone. We must have driven to half a dozen tree lots only to find them closed for the season.
At Canadian Tire their real trees were all sold too so we compromised and bought an artificial tree.
It's something we thought we'd never do but desperate times call for desperate measures and luckily since it was Christmas Eve the prices on all the artificial trees had been substantially slashed.
Our Christmas Eve was busy with two church services and a party at our friends' house.
One of our Christmas Day visits was with my Dad in his nursing home
On Christmas Day, we were visiting family so we only got around to setting up our new artificial tree yesterday.
It came with lights but when we plugged them in only the lights at the top and bottom of the tree worked. The middle ones wouldn't go on no matter what we tried.
So, not very happily, Dave took the tree back to Canadian Tire and traded it in for another tree.
The new one had lights that worked beautifully.
I decorated the tree and since it's just a little thing I only needed half of my decorations and was finished in no time.
There have been many Christmases where we have taken down our tree on Boxing Day but not this year.
This year we put up our tree on Boxing Day.
Other posts............
Christmas All Year Round
Chreaster Really Is A Word
Tütjes An Important Christmas Tradition
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