YES! A new deacon for the Taiwan Episcopal Church!
Congratulations to Rev. Vivian Meng-Jung Kuo 郭夢蓉, ordained deacon by the Rt. Rev. Lennon Yuan-Rung Chang, Bishop of Taiwan, at Good Shepherd Church, Taipei on Friday, May 31, 2024! Thanks be to Almighty God!
Cheering on Vivian (center) before her ordination!
Ordination services traditionally take place on special feast days, and May 31 is the "Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary" commemorating the visit of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, to her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist (Luke 1:39–56) ~ the Magnificat is the response by Mary on that visit.
Ordination Day at Good Shepherd Church, Shilin, Taipei '牧愛堂': 7:00 pm start
The ordination service took place at Good Shepherd Church, Shilin, Taipei, where Vivian is officially assigned, serving under the rector, Archdeacon Keith C. C. Lee - although she is actually living and working at Good Shepherd's new church plant, St. Thomas Church, Linkou, which was opened only last weekend (see that report here). These are photos taken before the ordination service at Good Shepherd...
Good Shepherd Church is also the church where Vivian was baptised and confirmed, after returning to Taiwan from graduate school in the USA. It was through getting to know one of the Good Shepherd members, Hsi-Ru, that she was introduced to Good Shepherd Church, and Hsi-Ru (far right in the photo below) was also specially introduced at the ordination service, along with some of Vivian's family ~ here they all are....
Vivian was born in Pingtung, south Taiwan, and grew up there until moving to Taipei for high school and work. After she returned to Pingtung later in life, she got involved in St. Mark's Church, Pingtung, and it was St. Mark's Church, then under Rev. Joseph Ho as vicar, who recommended her for theological training. In his sermon at the ordination service, Bishop Chang said that Vivian had spent 7 years working for the Pingtung County Government (2011-2017) helping people to apply for government assistance to face the many problems in their lives. He said that this experience had a profound effect on Vivian, as she came to see that what many of these people were really searching for was spiritual help, and that spiritual help was to be found in Jesus Christ. And so she developed a strong calling and desire to share her faith with others. Through St. Mark's Church, Pingtung, Vivian then applied to the Diocese of Taiwan as a seminarian with a view to ordination. Bishop Chang emphasized that her sense of vocation and calling was so strong that she was willing to give up her job to pursue this calling further, and it has been with her ever since. In 2018, Vivian started theological training, first at Ming-Hua Theological College in Hong Kong, then at our diocesan Trinity School for Christian Ministry. Now, said Bishop Chang, after 6 years of training, it is time for her ordination as deacon - and the responsibilities of a deacon include helping the poor and needy in the church. Bishop Chang exhorted all the clergy and church members to continue to support and pray for Vivian as she begins her ordained ministry. This was the ordination service....
It was very moving to see all the diocesan clergy in attendance at the service, plus retired clergy, Rev. Elizabeth Wei, Rev. Peter Chen and Rev. David Chee, plus at least 3 of our clergy spouses - in the photo below. Rev. Keith Lee's wife, Sindy was playing the piano in the service - and the Good Shepherd Choir sang a wonderful anthem, as always! Thank you Good Shepherd Church!
When Vivian was assigned to Advent Church in 2020, she stayed with me for 8 months, at the start of the pandemic. So I was very keen to wish her well on her ordination day - as was all our group from St. John's Cathedral...
Above the back of the main entrance to Good Shepherd Church (in the photo below) are the characters, 'faith, hope, love' '信望愛' (right to left) in yellow on a red background. As Vivian starts her ordained ministry, I pray that she may be filled with faith, hope and love, and that her life will continue to be a great blessing to others...
Vivian with Bishop Chang after the ordination service
Congratulations to Vivian, to Good Shepherd Church and to all in the Diocese of Taiwan ~ and thanks be to Almighty God! ❤️
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