In addition to higher oil prices (Why most of our gas supply, piped from Indonesia, is tied to the price of oil: Rising electricity prices: Tell us the truth.Note since 2012, when article was published, the trade in LNG has grown exponentially.), with Brent crude rose as much as 9% to an eight year high of above $113 a barrel before trading at US$112.93. (Related post: Oil prices aren't all that high),

gas prices have flown

Given Europe's reliance on Russian gas (Why Russia has the EU by the balls), European natural gas prices surged 50% on Wednesday to an all-time high of €185 a megawatt hour. They traded at around €15 a year ago. Asian LNG prices are being dragged upwards, as Europeans try to source gas from traditional Asian suppliers (Oz and Qatar) by offering more money.

Seriously, PAP govt still wants to make us Pay And Pay via higher GST? The Wankers and TCB's gang are right to oppose GST rises even if the prices are delayed.

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